The world’s ONLY concurrent, multi-standard wideband protocol analyser with support for Windows, macOS and Linux. Download blueSPY. free of charge and use with our example captures or captures that have been made using any of our hardware platforms. You do not need the hardware to use blueSPY. Try it today?
blueSPY™ is a concurrent multi-standard wideband protocol analyser offering multiple configuration options to solve ‘real world’ test challenges both in the lab, in production test and in the field. The world’s ONLY protocol analyser that can offer support for the Qualcomm® Bluetooth High Speed Link (QHSBL) and the MediaTek mHDT V1.0 PHY’s to complement classic Bluetooth (BR/EDR), Bluetooth Low Energy, 802.15.4 and WiFi. With support for LE Audio and the flexibility to offer customised PHY options, it is the only protocol analyser that you will ever need.